Paul adds:
Maybe a knowledge we(adam and Eve) arrive at is not in desiring more- but is knowing that we cannot have everything (goodANDevil), we arrive at a crack in existance that requires us to make choices, one moment at a time.
...and out of my mind, all of my woolgathering, these are the threads i chose. i wind them into a ball and then reel it back...
a'dam=earth creature. In the first creation story, Adam is singular and cast in a dual gender. a complete experience. but human experience is too complex for only this one story. so we have at least a pair of stories, and a pair of earth creatures to weave them in the garden togehter.
To this Adam, we justly accord the arts of Logos. poetry, discourse, semiotics, the science of hermenutics. After the Fall, he also gets credit for law and public relations and propaganda.
Eve's gifts (the story provides the clues) manifest the fulless of human consciousness, feeling and cognition, the arts of the Source, sensuality and sorcery. The message of the earth is rises to Eve's ear from the word of the snake. From the flow of this conversation, Eve produces an apple. An apple, the first palabra brujula!?! The sight of Eve with it for Adam-- must have produced a corresponding echo, felt from the source deep within. A fruit like an image of the heart- the organ and symbol of our intimate connections and choices, Adam and Eve together have no hesitation. They belong.
there is history in the myth...
When the snake rose up and Eve received the earth's wisdom in her ear, the culture was already shedding its skin. The neolithic hunter-gatherer society, its matriarcal clan and polity of the house was evolving into an patriarchal agrarian society, with a new economy, new hierarchies, laws and roles...New concepts of time and god and immortality. The apple is a cultivated fruit, representing the new agricultural relationship with the earth and all it implied for human relationships. As clans settled down into cities, there were real winners and loosers. and the meaning of sex and sex roles changed.
The apple is literally the fruit that records of the fall into the new society but the memory is recorded in the myth of a loss. Out of this ancient schism and in the cultural braid of stories about Eden woven and rewoven ever since, the cracked image of Eve that we pick up from the ground often says more about the new culture's shadow than it reveals about her(and our) original identity and gifts. Depending on the telling, she becomes an icon to evoke memory of the old lost matriarchy and hunter gatherer values-- or she is a scapegoat and the original puta.
...there was that other tree. the Tree of Life- A symbol of life as a pattern of relationships unfolding in beauty. An abundance of fruit expressing the goodness of the Original Blessing.
Before mystery was seperated into magic and word.
Before living is divided into innocence and experience.
Before the world broke into roles and defended them with law.
Lets place Adam and Eva back before the tree of Life, in union with the life force. A mystic vision of Being and longing togheter. An original blessing to serve her. Gratitude is service in love.
(a tus palabras agudas, y mis palabras puñal)
Hay palabras gaviota, rápidas y certeras
Palabras delfín, simpáticas y sanadoras
Hay palabras tiburón, y así de feroces
Hay palabras ballena, lentas y amorosas
Hay palabras pez globo, pinchudas, infladas, huecas.
“Mira en qué te has convertido,
Tú que eres parte de mi alma.”
Hay palabras arena, infinitas palabras colándose en cada espacio vital
Hay palabras sirena, que te seducen para arruinarte
Hay palabras brújula, y hay que ser timón.
Millonaria Quiere