Paul quotes Arthur Dove: Freedom doesn't mean freedom from anything, it means freedom towards something. And I recall that sick little man, all tied up by a a rope he, with a scared expression, holds tightly between his stammering teeth. Try not to keep too much inside yourself, try not to remain in a room too long: the deepest, is not intimate. It's out there. Just let the water flow in and out of your home... let the wind sweep away everything you don't need anymore. Let the fire burn it, let you yourself be incinerated by whatever is happening to you. Dust, thy will become... but very much in love. Certainly, real freedom is keeping the gift of walking away. And while walking, whistle and sway, breathing stardust and smelling lottos. Don't let anything tie you down, and least of all, your own fears. Break a habit. Don't make a habit of life's enjoyments. Be the eagle overflying the frozen peak your worldly troubles are. The good part of ropes, as of rules, as of bonds... is cutting them. What bigger pleasure may there be? Than to overcome the limit of exhaustion, and to cut with the sharpest blade and run, with the swift of flight. Be the Breeze, be the Hurricane, be the Fire, be the Flood... whichever you feel like.
I love and venere the knot that entwines us, entangling us; these silky threads we can flow in, around, about, and out... when we feel like enjoying us.
You are the bones I keep in me for nurture...
¡Soltar todo y largarse, que maravilla! Atesorando solo huesos nutrientes y lanzarse al camino pisando arcilla destino a las estrellas resplandecientes pantalones raídos, zapatos viejos sombrero de ventisca, ojo de garra escudriñando enigmas en los espejos y aprendiendo conciertos de las cigarras con amores fugaces e inolvidables con parasiempres grávidos como espuma y el acero afilado de los probables colgado vigilante, junto a la luna . ¡Soltar todo y largarse, que fascinante! Volver al santo oficio de la veleta desnudando la vida como un bergante y soñando que un día serás poeta. Silvio Rodriguez, SOLTAR TODO Y LARGARSE, album Dominguez.